What's good in Kingston

Help push this year's KFL&A United Way campaign over the top!

There's now less than two weeks left to support the United Way Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington 2024 Campaign. 

We caught up with Joanne Langlois, 2024 Campaign Chair, who provided us an update on their $3,950,000.

Langlois says the community support has been amazing. They're even tracking a bit ahead compared to last year

Funds raised by the United Way go to support the number of charities agencies they support. That included support for those facing food and home insecurities.

To help raise that last 10% you can make a donation online, encourage your workplace to start a campaign, or if you're at Tim Horton's in the City between November 18 and 24, money raiders from their Holiday Smile Cookies will be going to support the United Way KFL&A.

The campaign wraps up November 28, 2024.

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